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  • 描写樱花样子的句子拟人比喻句(五年级英语绘本精彩片段)

    栏目: 说说 日期:2025-01-19 03:50:08 浏览量(来源:小齐






    ### 一、拟人句

    1. 樱花像一群羞涩的少女,簇拥在枝头,微风拂过时,她们轻轻摇曳着身姿,似乎在低声细语,诉说着春天的秘密。

    2. 那满树的樱花像是被春风唤醒的孩子,争先恐后地从树枝里探出脑袋来,有的咧着嘴笑,有的还带着晶莹的露珠,在晨曦中眨着眼睛。

    3. 樱花如同调皮的小精灵,在枝间嬉戏打闹,花瓣随风飘落的时候,就像它们轻盈地跳起了离别之舞。

    ### 二、比喻句

    1. 樱花宛如天边的一片粉色云霞飘落人间,一朵朵、一簇簇地绽放在枝头,那层层叠叠的花瓣如同精美的丝绸,柔软而绚丽。

    2. 满树的樱花恰似一把把粉嫩的小伞,挨挨挤挤地撑开在枝丫间,每一朵都像是大自然精心绘制的艺术品,散发着迷人的气息。

    3. 樱花像繁星洒落在枝头,每一朵都是天空遗落的星星,用淡淡的粉色点亮了整个世界,又像是下了一场缤纷的花雨,将大地装点得分外美丽。




    The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    One sunny day, a little caterpillar named Carrot started to eat leaves. He was very hungry. He ate a lot of leaves every day.

    One day, Carrot ate so many leaves that he couldn"t move. He became very tired. He found a place to rest and sleep.

    While Carrot was sleeping, a butterfly came and landed on his body. The butterfly needed a place to lay eggs, so Carrot let it stay.

    Soon, the butterfly laid some eggs on Carrot"s body. Carrot woke up and found the eggs. He was happy to see the butterflies.

    The butterflies grew bigger and bigger. They flew away, and Carrot missed them very much.

    One day, Carrot saw the butterflies again. This time, they were larger than before. They had wings and could fly high in the sky.

    Carrot watched the butterflies fly away. He felt happy because he had helped them grow. And he learned that helping others can make us feel good too.

