1. “世界上最远的距离,不是生与死的距离,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。” —— 泰戈尔
2. “人生最大的痛苦是在于一个曾经快乐的地方徘徊。”
3. “有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重。”
4. “我们都是孤独的刺猬,只有频率相同的人,才能看见彼此内心深处不为人知的优雅。”
5. “那些离别和失望的伤痛,已不再害怕。因为你不是我的全部,失去你,我还可以好好活下去。”
6. “不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。”
7. “原来有些你自以为很重要的人,当他离开后,他的生活一样会很好。”
8. “一个人如果连自己的情绪都控制不了,即便给你整个世界,你也早晚毁掉一切。”
9. “回忆是一座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。”
10. “当你做对的时候,没有人会记得;当你做错的时候,就连呼吸都是错。”
Caesar"s famous quotes in English include:
1. "Veni, vidi, vici," which means "I came, I saw, I conquered."
2. "Et tu, Brute?" which means "And you, Brutus?" This phrase is often interpreted as a question about the possibility of Caesar"s political opponents betraying him.
3. "The die is cast," meaning that once a decision has been made, it is too late to change it.
4. "Virtue is not given; it must be earned."
5. "To be, or not to be: that is the question."
Please note that these translations are not perfect, as they attempt to capture the essence and meaning of the original Latin phrases rather than a word-for-word translation.