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  • 《我的人生格言是英语翻译》推荐15条

    栏目: 格言 日期:2025-02-23 03:31:39 浏览量(来源:小周






    1. “人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。”

    My life is like a journey against the current, and I am also a traveler.

    2. “未曾哭过长夜的人,不足以语人生。”

    Those who have never cried through the long night cannot speak of life.

    3. “人生最大的痛苦在于过于执着,学会放下,才能找到内心的平静。”

    The greatest pain in life comes from being too attached; learning to let go is the key to finding inner peace.

    4. “成功不是终点,失败也不是终结,勇敢地继续前进才是人生的价值。”

    Success is not the end, failure is not the end, it is the courage to continue to move forward that gives life its value.

    5. “人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。”

    Life has no rehearsals; every day is live.

    6. “真正的幸福来自内心深处,而非外界的繁华。”

    True happiness comes from within, not from the splendor of the outside world.

    7. “人生就像一场马拉松,重要的不是起点,而是终点和沿途的风景。”

    Life is like a marathon; what matters is not the starting point, but the finish line and the scenery along the way.

    8. “勇敢面对挑战,才能抓住转瞬即逝的机会。”

    Only by bravely facing challenges can we seize fleeting opportunities.

    9. “人生没有后悔药,只有向前看。”

    There is no regrets in life, only looking forward.

    10. “真正的智慧在于知道什么时候该放下。”

    True wisdom lies in knowing when to let go.

    11. “人生如茶,苦后回甘。”

    Life is like tea; bitter aftertaste turns into a sweet feeling.

    12. “珍惜眼前人,珍惜当下时光。”

    Cherish the people around you and the time you have now.

    13. “失败并不可怕,可怕的是失去再战的勇气。”

    Failure is not scary, what"s scary is losing the courage to fight again.

    14. “人生就像一面镜子,你对它笑,它也对你笑。”

    Life is like a mirror; if you smile at it, it smiles back at you.

    15. “不断学习,不断成长,才是人生最宝贵的财富。”

    Keep learning and growing, for these are the greatest treasures in life.

