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  • 100句爱情电影经典台词英文(经典电影英语句子爱情语录)

    栏目: 语录 日期:2025-03-09 01:17:26 浏览量(来源:小奚






    ### 一、《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)

    1. “You jump, I jump.”

    - (你跳,我就跳。)

    - 这句话是杰克对罗斯说的,体现了杰克对罗斯真挚而坚定的感情,他愿意为了罗斯做出任何疯狂的事情,在那个时刻,他想成为罗斯生命中可以依靠的存在,与她一起面对生活中的困境。

    2. “Winning that ticket, Rose, was the luckiest day of my life... until today.”

    - (赢得那张船票,罗斯,是我一生中最幸运的一天……直到今天。)

    - 杰克用幽默又深情的话语表达着自己的情感,他把遇见罗斯视为比赢得船票更大的幸运,这种幸运从他踏上这艘船开始就在不断累积,而当下的每一刻都充满了爱意。

    ### 二、《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)

    1. “I have been used to consider pride as a very good quality in a man.”

    - (我一向认为男人有傲慢是很不错的品质。)

    - 伊丽莎白在最初对达西先生产生误解时说出了这样的话,这句话反映了当时社会背景下人们对于性格特质的一些看法,也为后面他们之间的情感纠葛和逐渐消除偏见埋下伏笔。

    2. “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

    - (您必须允许我告诉您我是多么热烈地钦佩和爱慕您。)

    - 达西先生向伊丽莎白求婚时所说的话,尽管他的求婚方式一开始有些笨拙且带着贵族式的傲慢,但这句话直接表达了他内心深处对伊丽莎白深深的爱意。

    ### 三、《乱世佳人》(Gone with the Wind)

    1. “After all, tomorrow is another day.”

    - (毕竟,明天又是新的一天。)

    - 斯嘉丽在经历了战争、爱情的挫折后说出这句话,它不仅是一种对未来的希望,也暗示了她在爱情中的坚韧。虽然她深爱着艾希礼,但生活的磨难让她明白要坚强地面对一切,包括爱情中的不如意。

    2. “My dear, I don"t give a damn.”

    - (亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。)

    - 白瑞安对斯嘉丽说的这句话,看似冷漠无情,但实际上是在经历了太多的伤害和失望之后的一种无奈之举。他曾经深爱过斯嘉丽,但她的种种行为让他最终选择放弃这段感情,以一种决绝的态度告别过去。




    1. "A love that lasts forever."

    2. "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove."

    3. "You can"t help who you fall in love with."

    4. "Love is never love until you"re in love."

    5. "The greatest thing in life is to find someone to share it with."

    6. "Love is a beautiful journey, not a destination."

    7. "You don"t love someone for their beauty or their character, but because they are love."

    8. "Love is not about how many times you get hurt, but how many times you get hurt for a reason."

    9. "The best thing in life is to love and be loved."

    10. "Love is the answer, no matter what you do."

    11. "Love is a rose, its thorns are its pain and its beauty is its thorns."

    12. "Love is a fire, but it"s also a cold room."

    13. "Love is a journey, not a destination."

    14. "Love is not love at first sight, it"s love after a few years of knowing each other."

    15. "Love is a promise, not a transaction."

    16. "Love is a journey of a thousand miles, it"s not just one step."

    17. "Love is not love until you"ve lost it."

    18. "Love is a many-splendored thing."

    19. "Love is not love until you"ve tried to live without it."

    20. "Love is a treasure that you must guard and protect."

    21. "Love is a risk worth taking."

    22. "Love is a journey that you must take together."

    23. "Love is a dance, not a race."

    24. "Love is a secret, a magic, a mystery."

    25. "Love is a journey that takes you to the deepest parts of your heart."

    26. "Love is a river, it flows and it changes."

    27. "Love is a mountain, it stands tall and proud."

    28. "Love is a storm, it comes with a purpose."

    29. "Love is a whisper, a sigh, a tear."

    30. "Love is a song, it makes your heart sing."

    31. "Love is a story, a melody, a poem."

    32. "Love is a dream, a vision, a hope."

    33. "Love is a flame, it burns bright and true."

    34. "Love is a choice, a decision, a commitment."

    35. "Love is a gift, a treasure, a blessing."

    36. "Love is a touch, a hug, a kiss."

    37. "Love is a look, a gaze, a stare."

    38. "Love is a smile, a laugh, a tear."

    39. "Love is a touch, a hug, a kiss."

    40. "Love is a whisper, a sigh, a tear."

    41. "Love is a song, it makes your heart sing."

    42. "Love is a story, a melody, a poem."

    43. "Love is a dream, a vision, a hope."

    44. "Love is a flame, it burns bright and true."

    45. "Love is a choice, a decision, a commitment."

    46. "Love is a gift, a treasure, a blessing."

    47. "Love is a touch, a hug, a kiss."

    48. "Love is a look, a gaze, a stare."

    49. "Love is a smile, a laugh, a tear."

    50. "Love is a journey, not a destination."

    51. "Love is a dance, not a race."

    52. "Love is a storm, it comes with a purpose."

    53. "Love is a whisper, a sigh, a tear."

    54. "Love is a song, it makes your heart sing."

    55. "Love is a story, a melody, a poem."

    56. "Love is a dream, a vision, a hope."

    57. "Love is a flame, it burns bright and true."

    58. "Love is a choice, a decision, a commitment."

    59. "Love is a gift, a treasure, a blessing."

    60. "Love is a touch, a hug, a kiss."

    61. "Love is a look, a gaze, a stare."

    62. "Love is a smile, a laugh, a tear."

    63. "Love is a journey, not a destination."

    64. "Love is a dance, not a race."

    65. "Love is a storm, it comes with a purpose."

    66. "Love is a whisper, a sigh, a tear."

    67. "Love is a song, it makes your heart sing."

    68. "Love is a story, a melody, a poem."

    69. "Love is a dream, a vision, a hope."

    70. "Love is a flame, it burns bright and true."

    71. "Love is a choice, a decision, a commitment."

    72. "Love is a gift, a treasure, a blessing."

    73. "Love is a touch, a hug, a kiss."

    74. "Love is a look, a gaze, a stare."

    75. "Love is a smile, a laugh, a tear."

    76. "Love is a journey, not a destination."

    77. "Love is a dance, not a race."

    78. "Love is a storm, it comes with a purpose."

    79. "Love is a whisper, a sigh, a tear."

    80. "Love is a song, it makes your heart sing."

    81. "Love is a story, a melody, a poem."

    82. "Love is a dream, a vision, a hope."

    83. "Love is a flame, it burns bright and true."

    84. "Love is a choice, a decision, a commitment."

    85. "Love is a gift, a treasure, a blessing."

    86. "Love is a touch, a hug, a kiss."

    87. "Love is a look, a gaze, a stare."

    88. "Love is a smile, a laugh, a tear."

    89. "Love is a journey, not a destination."

    90. "Love is a dance, not a race."

    91. "Love is a storm, it comes with a purpose."

    92. "Love is a whisper, a sigh, a tear."

    93. "Love is a song, it makes your heart sing."

    94. "Love is a story, a melody, a poem."

    95. "Love is a dream, a vision, a hope."

    96. "Love is a flame, it burns bright and true."

    97. "Love is a choice, a decision, a commitment."

    98. "Love is a gift, a treasure, a blessing."

    99. "Love is a touch, a hug, a kiss."

    100. "Love is a look, a gaze, a stare."

    Please note that some of these quotes are not original to this list and have been adapted from various sources.
