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  • 悲伤过去的句子经典语录(悲伤过去的句子经典语录英文)

    栏目: 语录 日期:2025-02-12 01:38:19 浏览量(来源:小柳





    1. 那些回不去的年少时光,像风一样散了,只留下回忆在心底发凉。

    2. 有些伤痕,不是时间能抹去的;有些遗憾,注定要伴随一生。

    3. 曾经以为永远不会失去的东西,最后还是在时光中渐渐模糊。

    4. 我们总是在失去后才懂得珍惜,可那时一切都已太迟。

    5. 过去的美好如同流星划过夜空,短暂而绚烂,却再也无法触及。

    6. 回忆是一场无声的雨,淋湿了心,却无法洗净那些曾经的痛。

    7. 有时候,放下并不是因为不重要,而是因为已经无力承受。

    8. 每一段回忆都有它的重量,只是有些人选择背负,有些人选择释怀。

    9. 曾经的誓言,如今只剩下风中的回响,再也找不到归处。

    10. 有些故事,结局早已写好,只是我们不愿提前翻到最后一页。





    1. "The past is a shadow, and the future is a dream." - John Lennon

    2. "I have spent my life in love with the past." - Ernest Hemingway

    3. "The only way to live in the past is to die in it." - James Agee

    4. "I"m not in danger, Captain; I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!" - Don McLean

    5. "I"ve got a pair of tickets for an opera tonight, but I can"t go. I have to stay home and finish my homework." - The奇先生 (Monty Python)

    6. "I"m not in pain, Dad. I"m the pain. A man opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!" - Don McLean

    7. "I"ve had so many dreams of things that never happened, that I thought they would never happen. But now they are happening." - John Lennon

    8. "I"m not saying it"s going to be easy. I know it"s going to be difficult. I know it"s going to take a long time. But I know that with the strength of my will and the care I"ve taken, I can get through it." - Mayim Bialik

    9. "I"m sorry for the things I"ve done. I"m sorry for the things I haven"t done." - Charles M. Schulz

    10. "I"ve been reading about the history of our own species, and it"s not a pretty picture." - Richard Dawkins
