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  • 特朗普雷人语录英文版(推荐10句)

    栏目: 语录 日期:2025-01-31 01:35:30 浏览量(来源:小孟






    1. "The United States is like a giant, a beacon of light in the world, and we can do anything we set our minds to."

    2. "I have great respect for people who work hard and take responsibility. They"re the ones that make America great."

    3. "We have to be tough on China, we have to be strong on China. We cannot let China take advantage of us on trade."

    4. "I"m a very successful person, and I know how to create jobs. People come to me because they want to make money. That"s what I do."

    5. "We have to take care of our workers. They"re the backbone of this country."

    6. "I have a lot of confidence in the American people. I believe in the spirit of America, and I believe in the power of the American Dream."

    7. "We have to be prepared for competition from other countries. We have to out和创新, and we have to win."

    8. "I"m not a fan of climate change deniers. I believe in science, and I believe what the scientists are telling us."

    9. "We have to secure our borders. We have to protect our country from illegal immigrants."

    10. "I"m a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. If you think you can, you can."

