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  • 情话短句甜蜜(心动的英文情话短句)

    栏目: 情书 日期:2025-01-05 09:19:19 浏览量(来源:小黄





    1. 你是我生活中最美的奇迹。

    2. 见到你的那一刻,星星都暗淡了。

    3. 有你在的每一天都是好天气。

    4. 我的心跳只为你加速。

    5. 想和你一起看遍世间美景。

    6. 你是我此生最想守护的人。

    7. 爱你如初,余生有你足矣。

    8. 你笑起来的样子,就是我最爱的风景。

    9. 与你一见如故,尽余生之欢。

    10. 不想错过你生命中的每一刻。




    1. "You are my heart"s desire, my endless fantasy, and my eternal love."

    2. "You are the sun in my sky, the stars in my night, and the love of my life."

    3. "You are my everything, my hope, my dreams, and my heart."

    4. "You are my soulmate, my perfect match, and my eternal love."

    5. "You are my heart"s rhythm, my love"s melody, and my life"s harmony."

    6. "You are my greatest joy, my deepest sorrow, and my endless love."

    7. "You are my heart"s treasure, my love"s gem, and my life"s inspiration."

    8. "You are my everything I ever dreamed of, my ultimate wish, and my eternal love."

    9. "You are my heart"s fire, my love"s flame, and my life"s passion."

    10. "You are my soul, my spirit, and my eternal love."

