1. Why don"t scientists trust atoms?
Because they make up everything!
2. Why did the tomato turn red?
Because it saw the salad dressing!
3. Why do they put borscht in the snow?
To make it less cold.
4. Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because it wasn"t peeling well!
5. Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field!
6. Why did the fish leave the ocean?
To find a computer!
7. Why did the gym close down?
Because it just didn"t work out!
8. Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side... or something.
9. Why did the astronaut break up with his girlfriend?
Because he needed space!
10. Why did the mathematician refuse to argue with the logician?
Because he knew it was pointless.