When I think of you, my mind drifts to moments of joy and laughter. Your unwavering support and love have been the foundation of my life. However, there are times when I feel a pang of frustration and sadness due to your lack of understanding.
I often find myself in situations where I need your guidance and advice, yet I feel that you are often too busy or not fully present to offer the help I truly need. It"s as if you are living in a different world, one that doesn"t quite resonate with mine.
I long for those moments when we can talk openly and honestly about our feelings and thoughts without any filters. I miss the way we used to share our dreams and fears, knowing that we were always there for each other.
I hope that one day you will understand the importance of my feelings and that we can bridge this gap of misunderstanding. Until then, I will cherish the memories we have and continue to strive for a deeper connection between us.